Network and Security Services
We offer a full range of technological services aimed to make your business perform more efficiently and safely. Our knowledge and experience allow us to adapt hardware and software solutions to suit your needs always in advancing technology.
Network and Security Audits
Like industrial equipment, your network can become old, inefficient, and vulnerable without proper maintenance. Every year, billions of dollars lost due to unplanned downtime and lack of network efficiency. Our experts will do the following:
-Data diagrams and documentation of your system
-Review hardware and configurations to discover any security vulnerabilities
-Analyze performance and determine points of inefficiency
-Provide recommendations to optimize your network’s stability and productivity
Performance Analytics
Industrial operations produce more raw data now than at any time in history, and having a powerful network capabale of managing that data has become a necessity in today’s business world. We can harness that raw data and turn it into actionable insights to give your business an edge by:
Designing and installing state of the art layered networks to increase your network’s security and performance
Developing KPIs and dashboards that allows you to make decisions based on your own company’s data, not general industry trends or suggestionsA man looks at a floating graphic representing computer security
Wireless Communication Architecture
Our philosophy on wireless communication architecture is based on a principle of scalability. Allowing you to start at a size that meets your existing needs and then grow your system as your needs grow. Cost effectively. Our wireless SCADA offerings focus on several common capabilities, as follows:
Cellular technology–This fast growing trend in wireless SCADA offers simplicity and low costs, and it’s available in all of the size ranges that we offer.
Web-based HMI–Use any web-enabled device, from PCs to smart phones, to access HMI screens for your system and interact with the system in real time to change set points, turn devices on and off, view historical data, and extract reports. The HMI is user configurable and security controlled.
Text messaging and e-mail alarming–the built-in dialer can work with either a direct Ethernet connection or a cellular connection to provide text messages or e-mails of alarm conditions. Up to 500 alarms are supported, and they can be grouped according to who needs to see them (security, maintenance, operations, etc.). Alarm sequences can be repeated until the alarm is acknowledged and/or cleared. Additionally, e-mail and text messaging can be used to send commands to examine variables, operate equipment, and alter set points and alarming thresholds.
Historical trending–The history capabilities include real-time monitoring plus years of historical data that can be displayed as a spread sheet and also as a historical trending chart.
Wireless monitoring and control–All of your remote equipment can be monitored controlled from a master unit, which in turn communicates with an operator position. Applications include tanks and pumps: engines, generators, and compressors; and irrigation controls.
System size is not an issue. We have experience with systems that involve only a handful of remote units to those involving hundreds of remote positions. We are also very experienced with incorporating solar power wherever other power sources are not available or where a back-up source is needed.
Additionally, we offer 5-year SCADA planning services and radio path survey and field testing services.